Britain to Cover Up Royal Affairs

TEHRAN, Jan 9 (ICANA) – The British government is to introduce new regulations that prevent any scrutiny of the Royal Family's letters, emails, documents and finances.

The all-out protection under changes to the Freedom of Information Act is meant to put a lid on what is related to the Queen, her heir Prince Charles and the second in line to the throne Prince Williams. The move follows recent embarrassing revelations about a number of financial abuses by the Royal Family including Queen's move to pay for Buckingham Palace's heating costs through a state poverty fund. This comes as, the brief implementation of the Freedom of Information Act on the Royal Family affairs also disclosed details of Charles's lobbying to influence the public issues and the decisions of the government. The government's decision has proved controversial as activists raised serious questions about the move. "I'm astonished that the Government should find time to seek to cover up royal finances. When I was on the PAC [Parliament's Public Accounts Committee] what we wanted was more disclosure not less,” said Ian Davidson, one of the PAC's former members. "Every time we examined royal finances we found extravagance and indulgence as well as abuse of expenses by junior royals... This sends the wrong message about public disclosure and accountability," he added. Also another PAC member, Paul Flynn, slammed the Prince of Wales' “attempt to influence policy” saying he believes the reforms to the Freedom of Information Act are “indefensible” and probably pushed by Charles himself
  • نویسنده : یزد فردا
  • منبع خبر : خبرگزاری فردا